Branwell Bronte: A story of addiction and lost potential.

Anyone who has taken a literature course has likely heard of the Bronte sisters. Three sisters who became some of the most significant figures in the cannon of English writers. But the family had its fair share of skeletons hiding in their closet. Their family home in West Yorkshire. Three of his daughters found fame, … Continue reading Branwell Bronte: A story of addiction and lost potential.

The Fate of Franklin: Early searches and evidence.

Another installment in our Franklin series, this time we will return to Britain to look at the mounting concerns of the people and the early search missions. Additional notesMany of these rescue missions took letters and tokens from relatives of the lost crew in the event they were found. Sophia Caracroft sent letters for … Continue reading The Fate of Franklin: Early searches and evidence.

The Fate of Franklin: Skeptism and the Beechey island camp. John Torrington, John Hartnell and William Braine' Additional notes on Torrington, Hartnell and Braine: Hartnell’s autopsy was performed with an inverted Y incision. This suggests it may have been rushed as this method allows faster access to organs but is less ‘tidy’ and harder to reintern the organs. Although there was no formalized way … Continue reading The Fate of Franklin: Skeptism and the Beechey island camp.

The Fate of Franklin: Preparations and goals.

There is something very human about being drawn into mysterious parts of history, those events that leave an unsettled feeling that begs for more research in order to try and solve the mystery by piecing together any information that can be gathered. Frustratingly this process can take years. Even Decades or centuries. Even modern techniques … Continue reading The Fate of Franklin: Preparations and goals.

The forgotten career of James Fitzjames.

History is a patchwork of great people and events, ones that amaze us to this day. Rightfully so, we preserve and remember the endeavors of the people who came before us. However, I am continually haunted by what is forgotten or, worse, escapes historic record. For every hero we remember there are thousands that gradually … Continue reading The forgotten career of James Fitzjames.